HACH-Lange Corporation united the world's largest manufacturers of analytical systems for water quality analysis: HACH (USA), Dr. Lange (Germany), Polymetron (France), American Sigma( USA), LACHAT( USA), Hydrolab( USA), Radiomert analytical (Denmark). NASN-Lange offers ready-made solutions for field, laboratory and industrial analysis.

Advanced portable and laboratory devices with programmed analysis methods in combination with ready-to-use, metered reagents reduce the analysis time and reduce the probability of measurement error to a minimum. NASN-Lange industrial analyzers are designed for continuous operation, have a huge resource, are easy to use, are characterized by low reagent consumption and require minimal maintenance.

The simple and proven methods of NASN-Lange have earned wide recognition around the world from both experienced analysts and non-professional users.

These advantages are a good reason to pay a more than reasonable price for guaranteed accuracy and reliability of measurements, as well as for the pleasure of working with NASN-Lange products for many years.

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